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A few affirmations that you can use to stay motivated this holiday season.

A few affirmations that you can use to stay motivated this holiday season.

We know you are smack in the middle of the holiday craziness but we wanted to share a few affirmations that you can use to stay motivated this holiday season.

We are big believers and positive self-talk and speaking what we want into existence. Affirmations only take a minute or two of your time and, done regularly, can shift your mindset in big ways.

Here are a few affirmations we are speaking over ourselves and each other this holiday season to maintain our momentum and finish the year strong:

  • I attract good things with my positive mindset.
  • I'm disciplined, focused, and committed to my success.
  • Challenges are chances in disguise, and I'm okay with that.
  • Setbacks are just steps to something better.
  • My excitement rubs off on others, and I inspire those around me.
  • I am resilient and can overcome any obstacles
  • I am grateful for all that I’ve learned
  • I am confident I can take risks
  • I am thankful I can embrace new opportunities

It also doesn’t hurt to have a few good quotes in your back pocket to read and recite when you’re looking for motivation.

Some of our favorites include:

  • “You can either experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The choice is yours.”
  • “Forget your excuses. You either want it bad or don’t want it at all.”
  • “If you really want to do something you'll find a way. if you don't, you'll find an excuse”

Speak nicely to yourself during this holiday season and use these quotes and affirmations to remind yourself that you've come so far, that you're so worthy and capable of success, and that staying motivated is a choice.

We’re rooting for you!

Antoinette and Walter Bond
Your Peak Performance Coaches

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